Thursday, October 9, 2008

Why Wear Your Baby?

Rest those tired arms! A baby carrier distributes baby’s weight across your body, making it much more comfortable than carrying a baby in arms.

Freedom of movement
Wearing baby frees you to take care of the house, run errands without struggling with the stroller.

Soothe fussiness, reflux and colic
Some babies crave constant motion. Others spit up unless they remain upright. Some enjoyed being swaddled. Others insist on being held constantly. A carrier allows you to address such issues with ease.

Slings promote bonding
Wearing baby fosters trust and attachment. A baby whose needs are met promptly now will be more secure later. Baby carriers are also a great way to bond with foster or adopted children.

Make frequent feeding easier
Newborns want to nurse all the time, but new moms sometimes feel tied down. Feed on the go – some moms even breastfeed with both hands free - in a baby carrier.

Carried babies tend to cry less
Research shows that carried babies cry 40-50% less. When your baby is close, you will become aware of his needs more quickly. Babywearing makes long-term carrying easy.

Carried babies tend to be more alert
Babies that are carried see the world from the adult point of view, and adults will tend to interact more with a baby whose face they can see. Babies are les likely to be bored and can learn more about their world when they are up higher.

Carried babies are safer
Protect your baby from unwanted touches of strangers by sharing your personal space – a great was to keep your baby safe from germs.


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